Web of Healing

Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go do that. Because what the world needs is more people who have come alive.Howard Thurman

Welcome, seeker. I’m Vicky Combs, priestess of the Earth, nurturer of life, sacred listener. On this site you will find a description of my multi-layered holistic healing ministry. This interdependent web includes body-centered spiritual direction, my blog, Black Sheep Speaks, hospice chaplaincy and after death care (aka death midwifery), and Biodanza, a form of conscious dance that has become a central component of my personal spiritual practice. I find such exquisite beauty in the balance between my work with conscious dying and hospice and Biodanza’s “Dance of Life”.

Whether you have long been on a conscious spiritual path or are just beginning the journey of living a more intentional, healthy, and joy filled life, I am here to help you dive deeply into your own wisdom and connection to the Sacred. If you are still seeking a regular spiritual practice that works for you, we will work together to help you find and/or create one.

Sacred Listening to Body-Mind-Spirit:

“Holy listening–to listen another’s soul into life, into a condition of disclosure and discovery, may be almost the greatest service that any human being ever performs for another.” Douglas V. Steere

My body-centered spiritual direction work integrates traditional spiritual direction with energy sensitive body-work. My goal is to help people find what makes them come alive… fully, passionately, authentically alive and then find the courage to go for it! I want to live surrounded by joyful, healthy people on a sustainable, healthy planet. The two are inseparable.

Creating a session that serves you:

What does a body-centered spiritual direction session include? On some occasions my mentees come simply for deep tissue massage because sometimes we just need to work out the kinks in our muscles! 🙂

At other times one might come for a sacred conversation during which I do a tarot reading for you or use whatever form of inspirational material you find helpful. In either case I facilitate your listening deeply to the still small voice of Spirit within.

On other occasions one may feel the need to combine the spiritual direction with the body work knowing that deeper insights can arise when one is deeply relaxed and in a place of complete safety and comfort.

Whether the body work comes alone or with conversation there is always a significant degree of energy work included.

Lessons for Living from the Dying

My spiritual direction practice and what you will read in Black Sheep Speaks are profoundly influenced and informed by my work as a hospice chaplain. It is no exaggeration to say that many of the patients who I am blessed to serve are dying, ultimately, from unhappiness… from the physical manifestation of psycho-spiritual “dis-ease”, i.e. from grief, trauma, despair left unhealed until the resulting stress or self-destructive life-style choices resulted in life limiting illness. Knowing as we do (thanks to Dr. Candace Pert’s work on neuropeptides) that consciousness is present in each cell of our body, trauma and grief held there wreck havoc until cleansed and healed. The goal of my practice is to aid that process of healing by helping others access their most profound spiritual resources in order to heal their deepest wounds and live a life of beauty, balance and delight.

Healthy People on a Healthy Planet: A Collaborative Approach

The goal of personal and planetary healing is a tall order so I am blessed to work collaboratively. From what we eat to how we make a living, from how we treat ourselves to how well we love others… all are strands of the “interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part,” as we Unitarian Universalists say. Because of this you will find on my Resources page links to those whose work heals the Earth and us, though the two really are One. You will find everything from permaculture designers (“Permaculture: revolution disguised as organic gardening.”), who can help you transform your yard or balcony to a source of food and tranquility, to my favorite psychic, astrologer, and nutrition coaches.


Thank you for visiting The Ancient Wisdom. May you find here something that helps you come alive!